[Coco] CCASM to gain .cas output feature!

Stephen Castello zootzoot at cfl.rr.com
Sun Jan 21 13:19:44 EST 2007

On Sun, 21 Jan 2007 00:43:07 -0600, Roger Taylor <operator at coco3.com>
had a flock of green cheek conures squawk out:

>Now, the iPod has a volume issue which I don't understand.  Apple not 
>only makes a terrible iTunes program that makes is very hard to put 
>MP3 files on your iPod, but when you play them back (real songs), 
>even loud ones, they sound low and soft with the volume all the way 
>up.  Maybe there's a setting in there I'm missing, but if this is the 
>way they do it, then thumbs down.  However, CoCo cassette files 
>stored as MP3 seem to load ok from an iPod.

Check the volume limit control on the ipod under settings.


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