[Coco] Voice Simulator

Cris Egger captcpu at clubltdstudios.com
Fri Jan 5 23:37:49 EST 2007

> > There was also one called Speak Up! from Classical Computing by David 
> > Dubowski.  This is a completely software based voice synthesizer and 
> > works on any CoCo.  Mr. Dubowski was kind enough to release the program 
> > for non-commercial use, but I haven't had a method to get it into the  > > yet in dsk format.  

> Is it available anywhere on the 'net?

Not yet.  I'll hook up the DriveWire as soon as I get a chance, probably next week, and get it over to the PC.  I bought the program off eBay and David wrote me about it, introduced himself as the author, and shared some of his experiences.  So, I sent him the original disk and manual and kept copies.  I'll post as soon as it's up.  

David did scan the original manual and email that to me.  It's here


for viewing in .pdf format, if anyone wants to peek at the features and usage.
Angel's Luck,

Capt's CoCo Hut - http://coco.clubltdstudios.com
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