[Coco] Next Gen CoCo Specifications Wiki

Joel Ewy jcewy at swbell.net
Fri Feb 2 16:58:12 EST 2007

Oh yeah, the URL is: 

Joel Ewy wrote:
> Greetings, all.
> We've had quite a bit of discussion lately about (as yet hypothetical)
> new CoCo-compatible systems, realized in software and HDL/FPGA.  There's
> also been a bit of quite understandable cynicism about the prospects of
> any such thing actually coming to fruition.  It seems generally agreed
> upon that talk is cheap, and nothing will ever happen unless technically
> feasible specifications are actually arrived at, as a bare
> prerequisite.  A lot of ideas have passed through this mail list, in
> varying degrees of specificity and technical detail.  But they tend to
> get lost and remain disconnected to one another as they scroll off the
> bottom of the screen.  And sometimes they inflame the naysayers as they
> bulk up in their IN boxes.  :)
> So I got the go-ahead from Allen Huffman to add a section to the CoCo
> Wiki at coco25.com, where all the outlandish ideas and unrealistic
> dreams can be collaboratively coalesced into a coherent, concerted
> corpus, and eventually perhaps the technical specification for the next
> generation of CoCo compatible computers, virtual, physical, or both.
> I've seeded it with an introductory text on the rationale for further
> developing CoCo technology, and some excerpts from the recent mail list
> discussions that seem to me to have both some technical merit and CoCo
> gestalt.  What I've posted is still far from a final technical
> specification, in completeness, level of detail, and format, but might
> serve to prime the pump.  I'm sure I haven't gleaned all the nuggets
> from the recent discussion, and admittedly, I've probably chosen the
> ideas I like best.  But being a Wiki, the whole thing is up for
> revision.  We do need to be polite, and not obliterate others' ideas,
> certainly at this early stage.  My suggestion would be that we push
> non-specific ideas and quotations from the mail list back to separate
> pages referenced from the main sections, as those sections evolve toward
> more detailed, technically rigorous specifications.  That way there will
> be a trail of hyperlinks outlining the evolution of the standard.
> Have at it!

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