[Coco] OT: Keeping Current.... ("loaded" Linux Qs)

farna at att.net farna at att.net
Tue Feb 27 19:57:25 EST 2007

I'm going to stick my neck out with this off-topic post simply because you guys are up on Linux, and I'm not! If you have a long answer or "strong" opinion it may be best to send directly to me. I know this is the CoCo List, but I don't know any other pro Linux group that I feel I can trust -- at least most who have been responding to Linux issues are familiar, trusted names! 

I have two "loaded" questions:

1. What do you recommend for a computer USER -- someone who doesn't want to get into a lot of tinkering and programming, including compiling distributions and such. I've got a live disk of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS and a Freespire live CD of unknown version -- it says 2006, and was picked up at a computer show in October 2006. I've read a lot about SimplyMEPIS though, sounds really good for a Linux beginner. I hope to load WINE so I can continue running Adobe PageMaker 6.0 for a while, as I test some of the Linux DTP programs. I was planning on using OpenOffice, but also want the ability to run MS Office (XP, 2005 version) as well when/if necessary. My understanding is WINE will do that. I don't want a dual boot system -- when I give up XP, I don't want to look back! Easy updates is important, and something similar looking/working to XP is important just to reduce the learning curve. You guys play with Linux, do you really USE it as a main OS??

2. As if the above isn't enough, which GUI has the best support as far as software, easy updates, and ease of use? KDE or Gnome? I'm leaning toward KDE -- specifically MEPIS of KUnbuntu. Gnome doesn't look bad though. I'm leaning toward KDE since Scribus uses KDE's drag'n'drop feature, but that appears to be all that will be lost if using Gnome. So which is easier to use? 

Frank Swygert
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