[Coco] Fedora 6 DVD ISO

Joel Ewy jcewy at swbell.net
Sun Apr 29 12:25:27 EDT 2007

Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Sunday 29 April 2007, Manney wrote:
>> Roger Taylor wrote:
>>> Gene, I just initiated the download for Fedora 6 i386, so there's just 9
>>> hours and 45 minutes to go!  :)  Unless a fair use policy kicks in and
>>> throws me down to dialup speed for a few hours.
>>> I'm sacraficing a day of network bandwidth for this download of Linux.
>>> Looks like around 3.3 gb, so I hope the ISO contains every stinkin'
>>> tool, compiler, feature, app, game, and driver, that is known to the
>>> Fedora gang.  :)
>> Yikes! 3.3 Gig? Anyone know any other distro that makes you download a
>> DVD's worth?
>> So far, I'm happy downloading a CD ISO (~700 Meg) for a Debian (Ubuntu
>> specifically) based install. If something is missing from the install, I
>> just grab (apt-get) it once the install is finished. Seems the easiest
>> way to go for me and I get it in 30-45 minutes. :)
>> -M.
> You are aware that the full debian distro is about 28 cd's worth?
But the point is that you don't have to download the full distro just to
do a basic install.  In fact, if you want to install Debian, all you
need to download is 2 (maybe 3?) floppy images to boot the installer. 
All the rest will be downloaded during the installation process -- but
only as much as you actually need.  I've got nothing against RedHat and
Fedora, and I'm certainly not going to try to warn anybody away from
using it.  It's a fine distro.  I may even install some future version
of it again.  But if it's true that you have to download 3.3G just to be
able to install a basic system -- that's just lunacy. 

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