[Coco] How do I copy a DMK formatted virtual disk to a JVC virtual disk?

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Sun Jul 30 07:52:18 EDT 2006

Bert & Peggy Schneider wrote:
> I'm getting all of my CoCo software copied off my PC and onto 3.5"
> floppies.  My only problem now is that my CoCo doesn't seem to be able
> to read, nor can OmniFlop copy DMK formatted virtual disks to my 3.5"
> floppy.  Perhaps I need to add some more formats to my OmniFlop
> registration?
> Bert

MESS can read/write both dmk and jvc disks so you can convert the images 
by running BACKUP (Disk Basic or OS-9) from one to the other under 
emulation. The MESS tool wimgtool can extract and insert files from 
either but a file by file process is too time consuming.

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