[Coco] Using Color Scriptsit

Brian Blake random_rodder at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 23 21:55:08 EDT 2006

Well that was a DOH!!!
  That was the problem. I forgot the Coco needed that CR (haven't worked with one since '88 and then the printer was an Oki 82A).
  Thanks much for the help!!!

Joel Ewy <jcewy at swbell.net> wrote:
  Stephen's right. You might check and see if any of your printers have DIP switch settings to make them add the linefeed. A lot of them had that as an option, but it was switched off by default for the DOS world which terminates lines with CR/LF instead of the CoCo's CR.


Stephen Castello wrote: On Sun, 23 Jul 2006 09:25:28 -0700 (PDT), Brian Blake
had a flock of green cheek conures squawk

>Taking a break from my Coco Model III project, I took some time to play with my 64k Coco1 and a serial to centronics convertor using Scriptsit (didn't want to drag the cassette player out to load TW-64) and my Okidata 320 Turbo. After about 15 minutes of fiddling with it, I was able to get the system to print single line text using the 300 baud setting. anything else would cause the printer to respond, but print jibberish. Trying to print multi line text resulted to the printer printing every line of the document on a single line, no line feeds.
> I tried setting the printer in both IBM PPR III and Epson FX modes. I have yet to try the oki's Microline mode, but I fail to see where that would provide any different results. Not having used Scriptsit before, I'm not sure if it is a problem with the program talking to the printer or something else. Any ideas??? (I'll be trying TW-64 later)...
> Brian

Radio Shack/Tandy programs on the Coco expects the printer to
automatically do a line feed after every carriage return.


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