[Coco] Need help copying 400+ CoCo floppies

Carey Eugene carey at cebridge.net
Wed Jul 5 16:08:50 EDT 2006

Hi people.

As you may remember, I was the one a couple weeks ago that had planned to throw away all my old CoCo stuff.

I am having a few difficulties copying my collection of disks.  Ranging from problems with OmniFlop, to floppy issues, to lack of time, etc.

Copying my own 'important' stuff is time consuming enough, but I still have about 400-450 floppies of various programs that I accumulated over the years.  (These aren't the originals.  Just copies.  I'll post the small list of original software and hardware later.  Hopefully somebody will pay me enough to at least cover the cost of the shipping.)

To be honest... although I don't want to see them thrown away, it's way too much trouble for me to do all that copying myself.  I'm not likely to ever look at that stuff again.

If anybody wants to do all this stuff for me, PLEASE let me know.  You can keep the floppies and just send me a cd with the disk images.  And, of course, post the disk images where ever it is you people do that.

I know this sounds like a lot to ask... I'm wanting you to do my work for me.  And, I guess that's true!  But you people are the ones wanting this stuff, so I'm hoping somebody will want to do it.

There are a few things to be aware of...

1) The disks are usually either regular 35 track rsdos or 40 track dsdd OS9 disks.  (OmniFlop doesn't want to recognize the OS9 disks.  I don't know why.)  However, there may be one or two 40 track RSDOS disks.  There are also definetly some copy protected disks in there.

I don't know how you'll make an image of the copy protected stuff.  I browsed the web and it looks like only one program (a Mac program) can even create images of copy protected disks.  Maybe I missed something.

The disks themselves can be copied with Spit-N-Image, but that doesn't create a disk image, of course.

I don't know how you are going to deal with this, but considering some good games & programs are copy protected, doing those as well is part of the deal.  I realize you might not succeeed, but I'd hope you'll at least try...

2) Some of the disks don't have labels.  I think they are programs, but if by some chance they have my personal data (old letters, whatever), they don't get posted.  I'd like my private stuff to remain private.  (I'm not talking about games in progress and save-games, and stuff.)

Number two is particularly important....  I don't think it's unreasonable, either.

Alright, here's the list.  Generally, it's one line per floppy.  Many floppies are double sided flippies, but are still counted as one.

It's not organized well, but it might be interesting.  I just copied down what was written on the disk label.

Dynaspell & manual
Dynastar & manual
Multivue demo
OS9 C compiler v2
Rainbow OS9 on disk.
9/90 6/89 7/89 3/89 5/89 2/89 10/89 1/90 4/90 3/90 7/90 8/90
1-6/87 1-11/86
Basic 09 for OS9 Level 1  Toolit #2
Multvue boot & config
Start OS9 disk 1 & 2
Rainbow guide to OS9
OS9 Boot disk.  Config OS9 level 1
OS9 Pascal
OS9 Boot Sys master disk
C compiler 2 (PAK) & V2 docs
Cheap talker software.  16k version is bad.
Sculptor 3.  Error track 13
Backup util.  Cathouse.  Insp mod.
Basic Freedom
Zork 3
OS9 L2 sys master
OS9 L2 boot, config, basic09
Presto Partner Pac Dude
Warrior King CC3
Rainbow Adv. 2 Disk 2a
Rainbow Adv 2 Disk 2b
Koronis Rift
Rainbow Adv 2 disk 1 of 3
Rainbow Adv 3 disk 2 of 2
Rainbow Adv 3 disk 1 of 2
Rainbow Adv 4 disk 1 of 2
Rainbow Adv 4 disk 1 of 2
Kyum-Gai: To be ninja.  (Photocopy of manual, too.  Somewhere.)
Kyum-Gai: OS9
FKeys 2 & 3
Disk edtasm
Word OS9
T.S. Edit OS9
OS9 Security by S. B. Goldberg
Sculptor 512k Part a & b
SDisk 1
OS9 C manual
OS9 Ramdisk by Dennis Skala
SR71 & others
OS9 L1V2
OS9 Pascal users manual
Deskmate 3
CoCo 77 (PD sofware) FORTH
Pascal V2.0
Multi-Vue 1 & 2
OS9 C compiler side 1 & 2
Deskmate OS9
Deft Pascal runtime library disassembly
Distrac 3.2  Beta 1.1 Distrib source
3 disks of text.  Looks like game docs
uCOS.  Jean Labrosse's uCOS real time operating system kernal. (I hacked this to run under OS9 L2.  A tiny OS kernal running as a task.)
Zork 2
OS9 Pascal 2.0 disk 1&2
6809 Assembler & 6809 FORTH
Microscopic mission
Carmen Sandiego
Sub Battle Simulator
Playgirl Part 1 x-rated
wet t-shirt.  Pop-up windows.  Doctor.  Private.  Diskoff3.  Back512k.Sex & v102. K-Lock  300 pokes (CC3) Workmate.  Raiders of the lost Naugha
Max-10 editor
WordPower 3.3  Custom
Sam Diamond P.I.  Same as Estupro Adv.
Magic of Zanth.  & data disk.
Kings Quest 3 disks.
Leisure Suit Larry disks.
Estupro Adv
Dallas Quest
Pitfall 2
OS9 C lib disassembly
Motorolla BBS.  Float09.s19, etc.
68hc11 floating point
Sculpto 512k Part 3.
Simply Better
Galgon.  Willy.  Marble.  Qiks. Shamu.  Panic time.  Recochet.  
Gravitar.  Cyberwar. Pedro.  Grabber. R at.  Draconia
Bash.  QuickBack.  Malcom.  Radwar.  Roller.  Springster.  Sam Diamond.
Tutstomb.  Time patrol.  The frog.  Speed racer.
White Fire.
Preserve Quantico
Playgirl part 2.  x-rated
Deft Pascal v3.3
Deft Pascal v3.0
ColorFLex v5.02
Ultra Label maker
OS9 Ram disk
ez sort.
Deft Pascal Extra
Game solutions.
Games.  Misc.
Distrac v1.1 with source
Distrac v2.1
Various games & progs
Word power 3.3 dictionary
Word power 3.3
VIP Writer 3
VIP speller
Coco 33 PD sfotware.  Speller
Dragon Slayer.  (Copy protected??)
Bugs.  (From the coco magazine.)
Dark Pit. Interc4.  Marble.  Pedro.  Pros. Shock trooper
Buzzard bait.  Skiing.  Flippy.  Pooyan.  Cashman.  QUick.  Download
Pitstop 2.  Thexder.  Pyramix.  Shanghai.  Grand Prix.
Strip Poker part 3.  Suzi.
Word Power 3.2
Mr. Corey.
Terri Lyn DOS playmate.  512k animation.
Used cars.  Bimbo.
Strip Poker part 1 & 2 (Marlene, Candi, Melissa)
x-rated pictures
Larry Loung lizards Part 1,2,3
Seaquest XX
The ark.  Radar.  Rastus 1 &2.  Madam.  Crotch.
Wilde & WV
Barmaide.  Penpal.
War of the worlds.  The quest
Infidel (infocom)
Zork 3
OS9 Ram disk.
Suspend (infocom)
Suspect & Deadline.  (infocom)
Witness.  Infocom.
Hitchhicker's guide to the galaxy.  Infocom.
Robocop.  W/ cheat pokes
Andrea.  Part 1.
Cut throats.  Infocom.
Zork 2.  Infocom.
Bedlam.  Pyramid.  Raakatu.  Minotaur.  Vortex.  Dungeons of daggorath. 
 Tower forest
Zork 1.
Wishbringer.  Infocom
Misc. Adv of eddie.
Sea Stalker.  King tut.  Grandprix.  Lybrynth. Misc. solutions.
Starship falcom.  Enchter (infocom)
Starcross.  Sorcerer. (infocom)
Night of the living dead
Trapfall.  Aztec.  oracleII.  Martian.  Masterkey.  Buxx.  Docs.
Mrs. Pac.  Donkey.  Jr. Revenge.  Zaxxon.  Kungfu.  Grandprix.  Mr. 
Dig.  F-16
Runner.  (Gold runner?)  Toolkit (?)
CBasic/doc.  SDisk/txt
Calixto.  Lock.  Beamrider.  Ninja.  Copter.  Tutankam.  Munchman.  
Zaksund.  Runner2.  Pyramix.  BC.  Tapper.  Boulder
Caladural: Flame of light
Olympics.  Silpheed.  Pitfall.  Radwar
Pitfall 2
Coco Account 3
Backgammon.  Checkers.  Canyon.  Chess. Cyrus.  Spanalyz.  Castlth.
Wheel of Fortune.  Vocab.  Armchair admiral.  Predator.
Vox dis. (?)
Paktodisk.  VOXChess. Flight 16.  Clueseau
Saga.  Also called Sorcerers Curse
StarLords cc3.  part 1,2,3,4
Zenix demo disk
Korones rift
Rescue from Fractalus
The interbank incident.  two copies?
Microscopic mission
7th link part 1,2,3. and copy of 3rd for playing.
(7th link is copy protected.  Use spit-n-image on part 1.)
Caladuril 2
sub battle simulator
colossal cave.  (I think I ported the original version to OS9.)
Hall of kings 3.  Copy protected.  Use spit-n-image on front.
Hall of kings
Hall of kings 2.  Copy protected.  Use spit-n-image
Caladuril 2.  copy protected.  Use spit-n-image
Caladuril: Flame of light
Barbarian quest.  Copy protected.  Use spit-n-image
Maui Vice.
Diamond in the rough.
Those darn marbles, part 2.  Levels 1-6
Those darn marbles.  Copy protected.  Use spit-n-image
Window master
Palidin backup.  (apparently orig is copy protected.)
Koronis rift
Dynacalc text only
MV canvas
Warp 1.
DL Logo OS9 L1
CoCo graphics designer
Window writer os9l2
Cheap talker
CF83 forth
Disk util.  Telewriter 128.  Ulitimaterm.  Ramdisk
VIP 3 library
Misc pics & viewer
Adv gen.  Ganymede.  Dragon.  Tunnel.  Assasin.  Lari.  Speak.  
Talkdemo.  Diskfool
Misc.  Bosshog.  Jerus adv.  TC4.  hogjowl.  Gem of Graal.
Spell.  Fonts.
KG patches
T& D 49, 99
Max-10 with pictures
Max-10.  Picutres
XCom9.  Max-10 spellchecker
CoCo Max 3
McPaint 3
Max 3.  Max 10
Overview of MLBasic.  MLBasic docs
Front labels, pictures, labels
Label designer.  Borders CGD+
Fonts for CGD+
Fonts.  Borders.
War of the worlds: The landing
War of the Worlds: The last hope
Digital speech demo.  Fire one C3
Pyramid 3000.
Lansford mansion.
Chatwin manor
Legend quest
Venge adventure
Mt. Doom
Nuke the love boat
Gnome quest
Paladin legacy.  (Copy protected, I think.)
Shipwreck.  Barsoom.  Iceworld.  Jungle.  Merro.  Nuclrsub.  Quest.
Polynadv.  Castle Light.  Radar.  4 mile.  Alcatraz.  Final.  The ark.
Waming.  Sorcere.  Survival.  Kingtut.  Vampire.  Enrak manor.  Who dunit.  Deed york.  Flynn 45.  Troll.  Rchalice.  Basic Adv.
Quest 2.  Willadv.  Intrerr. Atlantis.  Skeleton.
WildWest cc3
Inca TRE.  Pyraboot.  Unreason.  Speelbound (infocom)
Dragon Slayer  (Distrib..?? Copy protected removed??)
MLBasic 3
3clone.  Diskjack.  Diskmatch.  MFormat. RGBPatch.  8 version of spit-n-image.  Vidlabel.
Zone Runner.  Flight sim.
Sinistaar disk 1,2,3
CBasic 3.  Source3.  Shanghai.  3line.  5line.  Desert Rider.
Koronis Rift.  Revenge of the germs.
System 5, graphic designer.  Pinball.
Wheel of money.  QuickPro.
Colladv.  Clone-m.  Fighter.  The trip.  CBasic 3.  DGSCC.  Rascan w/ 

Tiffany & Indiana
Clone 22d.  Omni.  Disam80.  Pascal.  SDS80.  Stipper.  SupDasm.  Bugs 

2.  SexKing.  Cashman
Rascan w/ Samantha Fox.  Spch syn.  Speech Rec.  Source 3.  HRChess. 

Paper.  Sextrivia.  Copy 128
Donut.  Bodyparts.  Timeband.  Schoktrooper.  Mine resque.  Bash.  

Maclom.  Roller.  Shanghai.  THX Warp3d.

Xenion CC3.  Golden Child
Checkers by Roger S. Young.
Chess by Roger S. Young.  Includes opening book disk.
KDisk backup
Edt+.  Spit-n-image.  Bombsquad.  Ram2.  RGBP.  CC2.  MastCat.  

Rainbug.  EDT rom & pat.
Loader.  2s40t6ms.  DSD.  40tk.  6ms. ds40.  ChangeDeft.  TC.  Spread.  

Database.  Dir.  Disassem.  XList.  Catalog
KDisk.  Immortal.  DosStart.  Rs2os9.  Rever.  TRSound.  Disassem.
Detective.  Zaxxon3.  Tetris.  Spin-n-image 3.5  Chess tutorial.
ML Format
DOS.  Disassem.  dskfile.  mlfollow.  misc.
Super Disk Util.
Weekly winner
ADOS 3 & extended ados 3
Planet engine.  Various games & prgs.
Pluton Quest.
Mikey Term.  Rickey Term.
T&D #32 Feb 85
T&D #31 feb 85
T&D #54 Dec 86
T&D software.
OS9 Level 1 ver 2 - 80 column
vox chess.  Source 3.  Pirates.  DiskScan.  Docs.
Pitfall 2.  Telewriter 80
Elite 80.  Telewrite 128
CoCo Calligraphier
Flight Sim Europe.
Clip art & sailor
Data Master.  TIMS.  Koromins.  Profile+
Ultimaterm 3
Bible 1.  Car signs
ColorRama BBS part 3.  Co Commander.  Word power 3 text
Entity.  Hyper I/O for hard drives.
Hackers Tool box.  Curse of Croley Manor extra dded graphics
Datapack 3+  Color 4th.  Autoterms
Life everyday adv.  Envelprt.  Dr. Preble.  Clue.  Big Disk.  Misc.
VIP Database
Interactive Debugger
KDsk3 & docs
Colorama BBS
OS9 Level 2
Co-Res9.  Disasm. Diskedit. PClone. Raiders.
Ultimater 4.1
R.S. Demo
Bootlegger 3
512k basic vterm.  Nebula.  Misc.
Rainbow on disk.
10/86.  11/86 3/87  4/87  os9-jun/91  os9-aug/91 6/87 5/87 2/87 1/87
1/89. 6/85.  10/85. 6/83  10/83 7/86  3/83
Flight sim2
Kings quest 3
Where in the world is carmen sandiego
Laser surgeon
Pegasus & phantom riders
Zone runner
Cave Walker
DL Logo
Microscopic mission
Koronis Rift
A bunch of issues of 9Times.
Possibly a bunch of Iowa Computer club stuff.  I see one disk that says 
that and then 21 disks number 1-21.
Extra OS9 commands.
Europeans OS9 public domain.  8 disks

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