[Coco] Chicago Coco Fest Questions.

Dave Kelly daveekelly at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 25 23:05:47 EST 2006

Need to get some feedback about the Coco Fest.  I have agreed to put it 
out on the web again.

One of the complaints from year before last was the speed at which  new 
images were  displayed.  That of course is up to Roger or who   ever 
hosts this. From the floor I uploaded  JPG images in a  constant stream. 
  They were fed  out  to the net every 5 seconds or so. I noticed on my 
computer which was displaying the feed that someone could walk into the 
vision field of  the  webcam and out between image displays.

Here at the house I hooked 2 computers up via my router.  One was 
reading the webcam with linux 'camstream' and  overwriting the last 
image on the harddrive at the rate of 25 video frames a second.  The 
other camera was reading that image with a html program with a refresh 
rate of 0 ( as fast as it could ).

The uploading computers CPU was running at about 25% usage and the 
reading CPU was maxed out at 100%. Both CPUs  were 1.6 Ghz.

That was the background. Now the question.

Is anyone running a CPU of less that 1.6Ghz?
Need suggestion on speed to  feed images to the internet.
How  many will be watching the procedings over the internet?

Anyway, its time to start planing.

Dave Kelly

Will a vacuum sink?

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