[Coco] First impression of Roy's adapter.

RJRTTY at aol.com RJRTTY at aol.com
Mon Apr 10 19:42:51 EDT 2006

In a message dated 4/10/06 2:17:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
yahoo at dvdplayersonly.com writes:

>I looked through the  posts here and I can't find a link to a page that 
>describes this  adapter. I'm definitely interested in one.


HEy  George,

I don't have it displayed anywhere right  now.   I have been
concentrating on assembling as many as I can and  get
them into the hands of people who need them.   I have  also
been improving it's performance as I go.    Right now I  have
it doing pretty much what I want with the help of a few people
on  this list.
I also need to write some software for  it.   The unit can be
custom programmed with overlays and border  colors.   It can
also power down the monitor.   But the  software isn't needed
for operation.   It is just a fringe benefit  from the time I was
researching the proto type.  Including it in the  final design
doesn''t cost much PC board realistate so I left it  in.
I have delivered over 20 units now and i have  about
6 or 7 people waiting for a unit.   I also want to  bring
approx 10 units to the fest so I am going to be REAL
busy up until  fest time.
I plan to put it up on the web  somewhere when I 
have the time to assemble some images and write
some  text about it.   Jim, I may take you up on your
offer to post it  temporarily.  But in response to your
inquiry George my device simply  takes the RGB signal
coming from the coco3 and turns it into an RGB
signal  compatible with any SVGA capable monitor.
THis includes older CRT's and new  LCD types.
It also outputs sound.  
     The unit contains an ATtiny12  microcontroller
to activate it on a power up or reset.  And the unit can be  
programmed by the coco3 through the video
cable coming out of the  coco3.  That was Torsten
Dittel's idea and it works  well.
So, if you want to be included on the list,  just
drop me an email saying so.   THen when I get
to your name  I will notify you when its ready to
ship.   It's that simple.   At the rate of 3 per week
it shouldn't take too long.
   By the way, asking price is $48.  How about that
for a bargain.....


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