[Coco] OT: New Scam

Arthur Flexser flexser at fiu.edu
Fri Sep 30 18:16:44 EDT 2005

Sounds like yet another scheme by partisan Florida voting officials to remove
blacks from the voter rolls.  I'll bet efforts to contact those affected during
that 60-day period were feeble to nonexistent.


On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 jdaggett at gate.net wrote:

> John
> Here in Florida they passed the Motor/Voter Act in 1998. So now 
> when you register your car, the local city and county knows where 
> you are and you automatically are on the rolls for jury duty. Before 
> 1998 if you did not register to vote you never were called for jury 
> duty. That gap was closed in 1998. 
> Also if your auto registration address and voter registration address 
> does not match then you are given a 60 day period to correct that 
> before an election. If they are not corrected you are dropped from 
> the voter registration rolls. Every summer each county canvasing 
> board must verify the voters registration matches the drivers license 
> address. In both 2000 and 2004 about half of those that were 
> removed from the voting rolls fell under these provisions. 
> james

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