[Coco] Re: OS-9 Configuration Program

farna at att.net farna at att.net
Mon Sep 12 20:58:37 EDT 2005

Does anyone remember Rick Ulland's "Tune-Up" program? It was an automated configuration program for OS-9. Answer a few questions and it would churn away, making you a new boot disk to match your hardware configuration AND installing all the latest (at the time) patches, replacements, and third party utilities (that were freeware) along the way. I sold it, but no longer have a copy. It was written to run on a 64K CoCo2 w/two 35 track single sided drives. That was tough, writing for a 128K CoCo3 with a couple 40 track double sided drives would have been much easier! If someone finds a copy by all means use it as a base for making an imroved copy. I had rights to it, and I know Rick wouldn't mind anyway. 

Sometimes I wish I'd have kept my CoCo, but I hardly have time for hobbies now!! 

Frank Swygert
Publisher, "American Independent 
Magazine" (AIM)
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