[Coco] NT: BASIC educate
Robert Gault
robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Sat Nov 19 18:23:30 EST 2005
Just "looking in all the wrong places". Special Characters are listed in
the Coco3 Quick Reference Guide, p25 or the equivalent for the Coco
1&2, an accordion fold-out.
Special Characters
' abbreviation for REM
$ makes variable a string type
&H makes numeric constants hexadecimal (only listed in Coco3 book)
&O makes numeric constants octal (only listed in Coco3 book)
: separates statements on the same line
? same as print
, PRINT punctuation - tab
; PRINT punctuation - no space between items
Glen VanDenBiggelaar wrote:
> Hi, all,
> I thought I would ask a question about BASIC, that's been bugging me for
> 25 years. Before I got my first CoCo (83) I learned BASIC on the old
> PET. one of the first things I discovered was that the "PRINT" statement
> could be substituted for just "?" (a question Mark). I then used this on
> many Apple 2's, C64's, and ultimately on the CoCo.
> My question is:
> How come this is not documented anywhere in the Tandy Manuals, or in the
> many programs in Rainbow, etc? Is using this flaky? Is it just bad
> educate? or is it just to confusing for some? I know its just saving 3
> keystrokes, but when you are typing in a 6 page program, it does save a
> bit of time.
> -Glen
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