[Coco] MESSin it up

John R. Hogerhuis jhoger at pobox.com
Wed May 4 15:19:31 EDT 2005

I typed in the Matrix demo, but I'd still like to figure out how to use
MESS to do this.

OK, it appears imgtool isn't installed along with MESS by Debian. So I
built from source.

So I copied from email and saved the file to MATRIX.TXT,

I created a disk image:

./imgtool create coco_dmk_rsdos MATRIX.DSK

Then I put the file onto to the image:

./imgtool put coco_dmk_rsdos MATRIX.DSK ./MATRIX.TXT --ascii=ascii

But when I type


it takes some time does something, OK's but then when I type LIST I get

What am I doing wrong? I guess I don't have the imgtool recipe quite

-- John.

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