[Coco] Re: The typical CoCo user is aged...?!?

Boisy G. Pitre boisy at boisypitre.com
Sun Mar 27 22:20:24 EST 2005

On Mar 27, 2005, at 8:59 PM, Charlie wrote:

> I'm 34.
> I got a CoCo2 (16k) when I made my father return a TI-994A because it 
> sucked
> so bad!
> Soon after I was a MC-10 freak. I worked a paper route back when they 
> let 14
> year olds do it.
> I saved 100 bucks and got my mc-10. www.geocities.com/chazbeenhad
> Soon after I saved, saved saved, and got a coco3. over the years it 
> became a
> full system with harddrive and all.

I'm the same age, and got my first CoCo at about the same time as you 
under similar circumstances.  I was 15 and cut grass all summer of 1985 
just to save up enough money to take my 16K ECB CoCo 2 off of law-a-way 
at the local Radio Shack dealer.  This was during the time when Radio 
Shack had 'dealer' arrangements with local businesses.  I can still 
remember the excitement I felt the day I got it home, along with a new 
CCR-81 cassette recorder, and a new Emerson Color TV from Wal-Mart.

Those were the days!
Boisy G. Pitre
E-Mail: boisy at boisypitre.com
Mobile: (337) 781-3997
Web: www.boisypitre.com

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