[Coco] A return to bit.listserv.coco?

Boisy G. Pitre boisy at boisypitre.com
Mon Mar 21 21:58:18 EST 2005

On Mar 21, 2005, at 8:43 PM, David wrote:

> I think everyone needs to lighten up, and remember that although this 
> is a "Coco list", its a group of people brought together by an 
> interest in a machine that the rest of the world has left behind - 
> discussions both on and off topic happen at all because of shared 
> interests .. it could be assumed to a degree that there's other 
> interests in common between many of the subscribers, and if all 
> off-topic posts were gone from the list, a very dry list it would be, 
> in my not-so-humble opinion

Granted, there are the occasional posts that, although not on topic, 
are certainly not subjected to scrutiny because they bear some 
relevance to the community in some way, usually because it is of a 
personal nature that the person wishes to share.  Dave Poitras' post 
yesterday about his mother's house, for instance, would fall into this 
category.  I don't mind this type of traffic at all.  It often results 
in additional private emails, which tends to take the topic off-list 

Since this is a small group, it tends to regulate itself pretty well.  
People on here pretty much know what is excessively off-topic, and for 
the most part, the topic always winds up coming back to the main reason 
for this list anyways.  That said, there have been a few times when the 
volume of email for off-topic posts outnumbered the emails for relevant 
posts, and that can get irritating.

Judging from the responses so far to my original post, it seems that 
most are absolutely against using bit.listserv.coco.  I think this is 
sad, because it is a resource that has existed in the community for 
some 14 or 15 years, and old-timers getting back into the CoCo would 
immediately go to it as a first resort.  If the SPAM factor is truly 
nullified, then there is no rational reason not to start a re-migration 
to it.

If you look on bit.listserv.coco now, there are posts from individuals 
who, for whatever reason, refuse to join this list.  I can sympathize 
with them to some degree.  The CoCo List (and I mean bit.listserv.coco) 
is the stalwart that has made the CoCo Internet Community what it is.  
Abandoning it wholesale, especially after the problems seemed to have 
disappeared, seems self-defeating.  The few close-minded individuals 
who won't even entertain the idea of a partial migration are missing 
the point and the big picture.  I am sorely disappointed.
Boisy G. Pitre
E-Mail: boisy at boisypitre.com
Mobile: (337) 781-3997
Web: www.boisypitre.com

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