[Coco] A return to bit.listserv.coco?

Roger Taylor rtaylor at bayou.com
Mon Mar 21 13:09:40 EST 2005

At 11:21 AM 3/21/2005, you wrote:
>I'm going to probably catch flack for this, but here goes.
>I've been watching the bit.listserv.coco group list from Google, and it 
>appears that the excessive SPAM that has plagued the group has pretty much 
>abated.  In fact there are some active discussions still on-going related 
>to the CoCo, so it appears a few people are still actively using the group.
>The whole idea for this list was to get away from the SPAM onslaught.
>I am curious as to what others on this list would think about moving all 
>traffic back to the original place that has served us for 10 or more 
>years.  Google keeps a record of all messages posted, which makes 
>searching back very easy.  (Yes, I know that this list is also archived).
>Dennis has been gracious enough to host the list, and it has worked well 
>for the past two or so years.  Is it time to return to 
>bit.listserv.coco?  I think we should discuss the idea.

My 2 cents:

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it".  :)

We might have grown to know each other on the old list but things change 
over time for the better and I say not to look back to what might become a 
problem again in the future which would make us all flock back here.  In 
moving back, we could also lose many CoCo users who have come to join us 
since the move from the old filthy list.  We already lost many from the old 
list due to spam issues and arguments about such, etc. and things have been 
so nice here that I would never even fathom the thought of moving back to 
the old list if there is even the possibility of things becoming a problem 

Roger Taylor

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