[Coco] Digging, Digging...

Roger Merchberger zmerch at 30below.com
Wed Mar 9 02:13:59 EST 2005

Been digging in my 3rd floor attic, and holymygoodness, the things I found! 
Still trying to organize the stuff up there, and get rid of things I'll 
never have or make time to diddle with (i.e. Commodore stuff, etc...) and 
I've made several finds on this last archaelogical dig...

1) WD 1773 controllers are 28-pin, not 40. Ungh, I did warn y'all that my 
memory sucked. Not sure if a 2793 can be shoehorn-crosswired into a 1773 
socket or not now... :-/

2) I found some of my unsoldered Disto boards - I have 2 SuperController 
1's and 1 SuperController 2. I thought I had a few more Disto boards (and 
still might, I do know I haven't found everything yet!) and I did have one 
SC1 that I'd gotten as far as soldering 3 sockets on but nothing else; The 
sockets were very poor quality (all I had at the time) and when I get that 
next "round 'tuit" I would prolly desolder those sockets & clean the board 
up until I get all the chips & machine-pin sockets to do it right.

3) Most all of my CoCos themselves, including the CoCo3 I purchased new; I 
found my *original* GE computer tape drive (that was back when GE actually 
made decent stuff) I used with my first CoCo2; and later with my Model 200. 
Both my multipak units (one old, one new, neither upgraded) and other 
various and sundry items...

Ah well; more digging to do...

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Roger "Merch" Merchberger   | Anarchy doesn't scale well. -- Me
zmerch at 30below.com.         |
SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers

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