[Coco] yellowing of newsprint issues

James C. Hrubik, Sr. jimhrubik at earthlink.net
Thu Jun 9 22:44:47 EDT 2005

I think I have a fix.  I'm working right now on V12 #10, the final 
issue.  If I scan (Photoshop) at 300, B&W, the yellow disappears.  Then 
I scan the color sections separately.  Next, I feed the half pages into 
GraphicConverter, convert the B&W pages into 32 bit color, lasso the 
color images I need, and stitch them into the B&W sections.  It's 
really looking good.  As soon as I finish this, I'll .pdf the .tiffed 
pages using Acrobat, and scoot the whole final issue (.pdf) over to 
Michael for his critique.

Since there are relatively few of these 11-3/8 x 15 newsprint issues, a 
grunt job like this won't take forever.  The older, glossy issues can 
be scanned straight in as either color or B&W; no monkeying with the 
size of the page or the mixing of colors.

On Jun 9, 2005, at 7:35 PM, George Ramsower wrote:

> James,
>   The old magazine ads I reproduce as posters on TheTinBox.com 
> sometimes are not only yellowed, but so darned brown that I can't get 
> a good photograph of them. So I soak them in a bleach mixture to get 
> the paper back to as close to white as it probably was sixty to 
> seventy years ago. One cup bleach to one quart water. Soak for about 
> twenty minutes. Dry on a clean flat surface until it just begins to 
> curl, then press between printer paper with good flat, untreated wood 
> planks on either side.
>   I usually experiment on a page I won't be using from the same 
> magazine to be sure it won't bleach the ink. This hasn't happened yet, 
> but I test anyway.
>  I have not tried this on multiple color images. Only two color pages.
>  Month before last, I had one that even the bleach wouldn't fix. So I 
> scanned it into my photo software, did a color separation and kept the 
> red one. That one is always the best,  followed by the green channel 
> and the worst is the blue channel.
>  As Robert Gault wrote, oxidation, not light is the culprit. Actually, 
> the sun can do a little bleaching of the paper, but could also bleach 
> the colors, other than black.
> George

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+||||||||   James C. Hrubik, Sr., RAA   |||||||||+
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+|||||||        V/F-(330)745-8435        ||||||||+
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