[Coco] Re: Color Computer 3 prototype

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Fri Jan 21 16:33:28 EST 2005

Oops, the example should of course contain the POKE&HFF99,252 after the 

Robert Gault wrote:

> PS. Here is an example that draws a diagonal "line" using 8 pixel at a 
> time to keep things simple. That should indicate that the screen is a 
> normal high res graphics screen.
> 20 FOR I=0TO159
> 30 LPOKE&H60000+I+I*80,&HFF
> 40 NEXT
> 50 GOTO50
> If you want a better straight line you will need to step through the 8 
> bits per byte with an inner loop.

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