[Coco] [Color Computer] OS9 LV1 question

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Fri Dec 16 22:27:11 EST 2005

Hopefully you have the manual that came with Level I version 2. Look at 
the information in Appendix B, p47 for display control codes.

Specifically, the command, Display $05 mn , will change the cursor. Mn 
will be as follow:
Hex     Dec         Char    Function
$20     32          space   OFF
$21     33          !       ON default blue
$22     34          "       black
$23     35          #       green      red
$24     36          $       yellow     buff
$25     37          %       blue       cyan
$26     38          &       red        magenta
$27     39          '       buff       orange
$28     40          (       cyan       green?
$29     41          )       magenta    yellow
$2A     42          *       orange     ???

Colors will depend on the type of screen and monitor output. So test 
them on your own system.

James Gerrie wrote:

> Can someone out there tell me how to turn of the cursor in OS-9 level one version 2?  I'm attempting to program some simple games using screen graphics in C.  If created a kind of "print @" function but its almost useless because the cursor is always visible and flying around the screen everytime I change the print location.
> Jim G

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