[Coco] Re: D.L. Logo

tim lindner tlindner at ix.netcom.com
Mon Aug 8 15:51:05 EDT 2005

Rogelio Perea <os9dude at gmail.com> wrote:

> Have always thought of what would it be like to have a port of D.L. Logo's
> graphics to CoCo 3 heights using OS9 Level 2's windowing system...
> <drool>...

What is _really_ nice about D.L. Logo is that all of the turtle graphics
stuff was done in a seperate OS-9 module. The protocol this module
followed was completly documented in the manual. This means it would be
easy to write a CoCo 3 hi-res graphics replacement module and it'll just

tim lindner
tlindner at ix.netcom.com                                        Bright

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