[Coco] C-Cubed Update

Boisy G. Pitre boisy at boisypitre.com
Thu Aug 11 16:48:39 EDT 2005

Here's an update on the progress of C-Cubed, the 6809 C cross compiler:

1. Tim has completed rlink.  So far tests have shown that it is  
producing identical object code as the native rlink on the CoCo.   
This was an important step, and gives us a great set of tools to  
write assembly language programs "psect-style."

2. As I've stated in another email, we've secured source to Carl  
Kreider's excellent C library (with his permission of course).   Tim  
is working on a suite of test programs as well as bringing the  
Kreider library up to par with the compiler's new method of code  
generation for function calls and returns.  He is tackling each part  
of the library one file at a time, and is making good progress.

3. We're working on getting someone to complete the port to Windows  
(currently we are running the compiler on Linux and OS X).  We're  
able to compile working CoCo programs but are still in the middle of  
updating the library and testing.

The plan is to have an internal developer's release of the compiler  
to give it a good shakedown, then we'll see how to proceed with  
making it available.


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