[Coco] Re: CoCo emulator for Pocket PC

Albert Stinger albertstinger24 at canada.com
Thu Apr 28 07:21:46 EDT 2005

"John R. Hogerhuis" wrote in message
>we'd probably have to start with the Vavasour emulator
> (Jeff calls it "freeware" -- does that mean that it is in the public
> domain?)

>From Jeff's website:

So, I've decided to discontinue the CoCo 3 Emulator as a shareware product,
and instead make this Version 1.6B available as freeware, as well as its
source code.

and from John Collyer I find this too.

 6809 TRS-80 CoCo 3 Emulator (C) 1993-1998 Jeff Vavasour
 6309 Microprocessor Enhancements (C) 2002-2005 John Collyer

 For contact information and more details:


 The COCO3X.EXE in this directory represents version 1.9 of the CoCo 3

 This code is provided as-is and without warranty. Copyright remains with
 the author. Not for public or commercial distribution, in whole or in
 part. If you wish to refer others to this code, please do so by the URL
 above. Please do NOT link directly to any files.

The definition of freeware:

FREEWARE is Copyrighted software given away free by the author. Although it
is free, the author retains the copyright, which means that you cannot do
anything with it that is not expressly allowed by them. Usually, you are
allowed to use and distribute the software, but not to sell it, and not
to pass it off as your own. However, because such material is Copyrighted,
the author retains certain rights on usage.

So and if you look at the source code you see a disclaimer stating that
the software is not available for any comercial use whatsoever.


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