[Coco] Re: [Color Computer] Is this a 6309?

Steve Ostrom smostrom at mn.rr.com
Mon Apr 25 23:32:09 EDT 2005

Torsten Dittel wrote:

>are you talking about "Microdeal" tape software? I guess the loader is
>similar to the one they used for CoCo releases. On the CoCo it bends
>some RAM hooks (using several ORGs) and the Reset Vector, ORGs an ASCII
>title screen, then produces an I/O Error which will autoexecute a custom
>loader programm which will load the rest of the game. I guess there are
>different RAM hook addresses in the Dragon, this is why it is not
>working on the CoCo. I used to "crack" Microdeal tapes because they all
>started with a screen to select PMODE 3/4 SCREEN 1,0/1 settings (no
>artifacts in Europe...). They cleared the screen with a JSR $A928 (CLS),
>so I just had to copy ROM to RAM before CLOADMing, be in all RAM mode,
>patch a JMP to my SAVEM routine into $A928 after I figured out start and
>end adresses with my EDTASM+ cartridge debugger.

Thanks, Torsten.  This is great help.

-- Steve --

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