[CoCo] Warning! OT Cont. Linux vs MS vs Apple and Proselyting 8-)

Richard E. Crislip rcrislip at neo.rr.com
Sat Apr 23 15:58:34 EDT 2005

Hello Mannequin*

Well said.

I was a an Amiga diehard for a very long time. I still run Superbase and YAM
on my WinUAE Amiga emulator. IN fact... that's what I'm using ATM to create
this response, but more often that not, I would not try to convert a
PC/Apple user to the Amiga unless they were doing something that only the
Amiga could do better than the others. Just as not one of us would try to
tell a PC owner today to convert to the CoCo. It's a niche machine that
fells the bill for me. Linux is a wonderful OS, but being what it is, it
will always be one step behind M$ because of the $$$ behind M$. I belong to
more than one LUG and I keep hoping that Linux will best M$ someday, but
when folks ask me which diraction they should go... I hate to say it, but
if you're living in the good ole US of A, go with M$. Europe on the
othehand is firing M$ as fast as they can and they are adopting Linux.

For me, Linux almost fills the bill.. but almost only counts in horse shoes
and atmoic bombs. I do too much that is not available on linux and no I do
not have the time to do the research and to roll my own kernal to make it

NItros is also a wonderful OS. If all I did with my computers was home
accounting and coorspondence, the CoCo under RSDOS or NitorOS is all anyone
needs. But when it comes to video processing.... the poor ole CoCo doesn't
stand the proverbial snowballs chance. I do NitorOS and RSDOS on the CoCo
because it's fun, I can still  do usefull work with it, but frankly I do it
because it's fun. I don't mind paying for my hobbies, and that is what this
is... a hobby.

On 04/24/2005, Mannequin* wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Apr 2005 08:32:00 -0600
> "Glen VanDenBiggelaar" <glenvdb at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Linux is everywherw in the tech world, but nowhere in the real
>> consumer world.
> I understand the gist of what you are posting here, and I'm not trying
> to make converts or the like, but this statement isn't correct. I'm
> using Linux full-time, and have yet to successfully compile my own
> kernel... I wouldn't call myself a tech, just someone who knows more
> than the average user. My father, who is, for the most part, a total
> computer illiterate, is running Linux for at least half of the time he
> is using his machine for business and personal use. (He's still bound
> to AppleWorks for Windows... Something we can't get him off of.
> *grins*) My wife, who pretty much only knows Windows, used Linux for 3
> years before we upgraded her laptop and threw XP on it. The *only*
> reason she is using XP now is because she wanted to use a few things
> that weren't available yet for Linux. (Application wise.) Need I go on
> about the companies that have switched to Linux for their uses, etc.?
> The truth is that Linux is being used in the "real consumer world." You
> just aren't seeing it. I'm not saying that you should switch,
> especially when you have probably spent a good portion of money on your
> Windows software and such.
> To me, this issue is about a hot as the Mac / PC issue. Mac users are
> always trying to convert the "PC barbarian" to the enlightened path of
> the Mac. When I used to work in a local Mac store, most often than not,
> when a PC user walked in to take a gander at the Macs, they would walk
> out without one. Why? Because, I used to tell them that if they have
> already spent a fortune on Windows software, then it wouldn't be in
> their best interest to have to spend even more on a new computer and
> new software which he probably already has on his PC. My boss didn't
> quite like it, but I never got fired, either. (Actually, I almost did
> get fired when I bought my first PC... But that's a whole other story.)
> Anyway, I've rambled off topic long enough... Just thought a little
> education was in order. :)
> -M.
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