[Coco] Re: Using Disk EDTASM

Torsten Dittel Torsten at Dittel.info
Thu Apr 7 12:36:15 EDT 2005

> You seem to have a much better grasp on grammar than some people who have
> been speaking English their entire lives.

Thanks for the flowers, but... actually I've not been fishing for 
compliments. :-))) My brain is generally randomizing the prepositions of 
the locutions I'd like to use (e.g. it should read "across the pond" and 
not "over the pond" in my last message) and I don't notice it while 
writing my messages (most of those mistakes are germanisms by the way). 
It comes to mind that it's wrong as soon as I read it again after 
receiving my own message...

However, I know the community here is indulging me and I feel it's still 
enough for communication.


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