[Coco] Re: The typical CoCo user is aged...?!?

Torsten Dittel Torsten at Dittel.info
Sat Apr 2 16:41:43 EST 2005

> if the sample size eventually grew to 200

yeah, gimme more ages! ;-)

I'm quite sure the peak at 35 is caused by the fact that the CoCo has 
been kind of a teenage-love for those at this age now, so no wonder 
we're still glued to that baby... :-)

Another thing is the amount of spare time (or call it leisure) for 
hobbies of any kind each age-group has (or is willing to spend with the 
CoCo). I'm quite sure those who are already retired have more time than 
someone at the zenith of his career and family life (which might be 
around 50 years). This is why I initially asked about the profession.


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