[Coco] Help with Cloud-9 install -- oops.

Mark Marlette mmarlett at isd.net
Sat Sep 18 18:28:40 EDT 2004

At 9/17/2004 06:14 PM -0500, you wrote:


Normal NitrOS-9 distribution. One root directory MODULES are adding, this 
is where SuperDriver's modules sit and/or Drivewire. Special Cloud-9 
descriptors are created under the RBF dir of SuperDriver. You will have to 
recreate these .dd if you did backup your system... :(

Remember that you WILL need to shut off the AUTO QUERY bit in the 
descriptor so that the partition of HDB-DOS and NitrOS-9 can co-exist 
together. I use B&B's Ezgen but DED will work to twiddle the bits in the 

Under the NitrOS-9 directory in the SCRIPTS and BOOTLIST directories will 
be more Cloud-9 specific scripts and special bootlists. Have those??? I 
suspect not. Uggggghhhhh. Let me know. This will take some time for me to 
get to you I  can transfer from the CoCo to the PC. Currently doing 
orders...Tomorrow is full of non coco work so it will be latter of Monday 
before I can get to this.

Let me know.


>I screwed up a descriptor and accidentally formatted the wrong flash card, 
>so now I am rebuilding the root directory.
>Mark, or anyone who has a CF card set up by Mark, can you tell me what 
>files/DIRS should be in root?  I have CMDS back, and am looking for others 
>but I can't remember what all was found in root.  Once I know that, I can 
>search for the pieces easier and get things back.
>                 Allen
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>Coco at maltedmedia.com

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