[Coco] speech pak question

Robert Emery theother_bob at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 13 10:30:29 EDT 2004

--- Bob Devries <bdevries at gil.com.au> wrote:

> I know that the Tandy speech and sound pak needed to be modified to work on
> a coco 3. I know that, 'cos I remember doing it a long, long, time a go (In
> a galaxy far, far away).
> Can someone remind me how this was done. I seem to remember two (or more)
> ways. IIRC, I just changed the transistor to a 2N3906. Others may have other
> ideas.
Not so much to make it work with the CoCo3... it worked fine with the CoCo3 at
normal speed. OS-9 L2 made use of high-speed though, and that's what the pack
needs to be modified for.

Robert Gault is correct that simply adding a capacitor is a much easier way to
fix it... that's how I fixed mine. Then I went a step further and made the
switch automatic, controlled by a Turbo LED circuit that detects when the CoCo3
is running at high speed.


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