[Coco] Re: Document Formatting

Ray Watts rayanddoraleew at earthlink.net
Mon May 31 15:53:13 EDT 2004

John E. Malmberg wrote:

> Stephen H. Fischer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I must say that I differ almost completely on everything that you 
>> have said.
>> You describe a world that I do not wish to live in. A picture that is in
>> very many ways incorrect.
> Yet you do not indicate any of those ways.  Which makes me think that 
> you are reading something different than what I wrote, and need to 
> read it again.
Just to put my two cents worth in, John, I agree nearly 100% with 
everything you stated.  What is more important is that, during one 
occasion or another, I have had one of those formatting problems dumped 
on my eMail.  What is worse, I had my client totally clogged by a person 
who didn't take the trouble to consider what an acceptable limit might 
be FOR ME.  And, lastly, I am one of those people on fixed income who 
cannot constantly update himself just to pretty up the internet.  If I 
could afford it I would probably still object to changing just for the 
sake of change.


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