[Coco] Painting Yellowed CoCo Cases

jimcox at miba51.com jimcox at miba51.com
Sun May 9 20:33:00 EDT 2004

On Thu, 6 May 2004 07:17:45 -0700 (PDT)
  Mike Warns <mikewarns at yahoo.com> wrote:
>--- Kevin Diggs <kevdig at hypersurf.com> wrote:
>> What about that new spray paint (Krylon?) that
>> "bonds" to plastic?
>I've got a Model 102 that could use a rehab so I've
>been looking at paints lately and there are some
>Krylons at my hardware store that come darned close to
>the right Tandy off-white color.
>Then I started thinking about other options and
>decided a sandstone with the markings translated into
>Egyptian heiroglyphics might be fun, so of course I
>ran into an impasse and haven't done anything.

Hmmmm, maybe I could paint one of my in the Urban Camo 
pattern that I've seen around ;)


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