[Coco] CoCo friends. Efforts to Protect Overtime Pay Under Attack

John Collyer johncollyer at zoominternet.net
Tue Mar 9 19:26:02 EST 2004

I believe that the democratic political ticket (although it is far from
perfect) is our best bet when it comes to keeping jobs in America.  Wake up
before it is too late and vote democratic this year.  Start supporting a
union and get a collective bargaining agreement at your place of employment.
Do you like overtime pay they want to take it away from you! We have fought
long and hard for workers rights let us not give up now unless you like to
mana-facture hamburgers at McDonalds. The president has said that this is
our new manufacturing jobs that we can get.

Last week we reported to you that the Bush overtime pay
take-away is likely to be finalized by President Bush and Labor
Secretary Elaine Chao before the end of March. An announcement
could come as soon as this Friday.

Now, President Bush's top political allies are attacking efforts
to protect overtime pay. They're pressuring television stations
not to run TV ads paid for by the MoveOn.org Voter Fund that are
critical of Bush's overtime pay take-away. They don't want you
to hear what's about to happen to the paychecks of millions of
America's workers.

It's more important than ever that you reach out to your
friends, family and co-workers to let them know about the Bush
overtime pay take-away. Please ask them to sign the Petition to
Save Overtime Pay at the link below.

Overtime pay is critical to the well-being of millions of
working families--and the Bush administration's paycheck heist
must be exposed. You have done a great job of keeping this issue
alive. Senators and representatives in Congress have voted right
on this issue under pressure from you. Now, the goal is to get
the word out to people who haven't signed the petition or
haven't heard about what is going on. That is how we'll win.

Please send an e-mail to your friends, family and co-workers.
Ask them to sign the Petition to Save Overtime Pay at the link

We also suggest you send a short note to other e-mail lists you
are on. For example, there may be an e-mail list in your
community that allows you to post messages. Think about e-mail
lists you are on through a sports team, a hobby club--any way
you have access to groups of people who need the opportunity to
protect workers' paychecks. These lists are opportunities for
you to spread the word. Please forward a note with a link to the
petition website.

You can also download a printable petition form to circulate in
your workplace, neighborhood or community. Please get as many
signatures as you can.

The petition has been a huge success. Since last week's update,
more than 50,000 new people have signed the Petition to Save
Overtime Pay. That only happened because of the outreach you did
to protect good jobs and good paychecks. Let's keep it going!

Thanks for all you do. Look for another update soon.

In Solidarity,

Working Families e-Activist Network, AFL-CIO
March 9, 2004

P.S. Here is a news story about the Republican National
Committee's attack on MoveOn's overtime pay TV ads.

You can check out the full MoveOn Voter Fund TV ad at the link
below (RealPlayer required).

John Collyer

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