[Coco] Barden Book

Steve Ostrom smostrom at mn.rr.com
Wed Jul 7 23:46:33 EDT 2004

James Dessart wrote:

> On 7-Jul-04, at 10:10 PM, Roger Taylor wrote:
>> That's not too different than just letting a copyright expire and 
>> then it's basically up for grabs, I think, license or no license.
> True enough. But I think the section I was thinking of is if the 
> author cannot be contacted, you can get a license. If there had been a 
> provision for works that are no longer published, it's gone now.
> In any case, if someone can get me some more info on William Barden 
> Jr., I can try and get in touch with him about a license. It might be 
> interesting to get reprinting done on some old computer books, and I'd 
> definitely be willing to set that up.
> James
Did we decide he was really still alive?

-- Steve --

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