[Coco] Will the *real* artifact colors please stand up?

Robert Emery theother_bob at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 5 16:32:00 EDT 2004

--- KnudsenMJ at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 7/5/04 3:24:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time, KnudsenMJ at aol.com
> >  clock phase would be re-initialized in the GIME to reverse the colors.
> >  Maybe that ESC trick was coded into the Super-Extended BASIC ROM, so that 
> it 
> >  would work on old Coco 1/2 games?  Been a long while.  --Mike K.
> Yep, been so long is right -- it is indeed the F1 key, RESET on the right 
> rear and not POWER ON.  --Mike K.

Actually it works on powerup as well.
Speaking of having been a while... having the CoCo1 out I remembered to check
the joystick numbering and apparently I was wrong all along... it was just
another misprint/bug in the original manual. Looks like I'm slowly mapping out
exactly which brain cells I've killed over the years.


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