[Coco] Re: Keil's CoCo 3 emulator

Richard E. Crislip rcrislip at neo.rr.com
Thu Jan 29 15:30:49 EST 2004

Hello Roger

On 01/29/04, Roger Taylor wrote:
> At 01:31 PM 1/29/2004 +0000, you wrote:
>> Roger,
>>   Did you receive the CDROM and what do you think of
>> David's COCO3 emulator??
>> John Donaldson
> Oh, yes, sorry.  I did receive the CD.
> So, here's the quote of the day:
> Much to my surprise, the 'nonexistent' CoCo 3 emulator by Keil does, in 
> fact, exist!
> For the life of me I cannot figure out why it is being kept private or
> isn't offered from his web site. The last time I searched for it, it was
> nowhere to be found. I haven't played around much with the copy I have yet
> but I suspect it follows in the footsteps of his other emulators, in that
> doesn't run in the Win32 environment. Still, I noticed the graphical MPI,
> cassette recorder, and floppy drives, so it looks very nice.
> thanks for the CD

PMFBTI but I was lurking in on this conversation and it got me to thinking
and after some rumaging around in my archives found that sure enough I too
have a copy of Davids CoCo3 emulator. I bought it from him at the 2001
CoCoFest. I specifically remember asking him if there was a CoCo3 emlator
on the CD. So yep... it does exist. I fired it up on my W2K machine and it
started but froze soon after. Not a problem because I also have Win98 on an
other HD within my system 8-).

Cruisen                                                    _|_
              on AutoPilot with an Amiga   ---o-( )-o---   and a CoCo

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