[Coco] Re: Disk Basic and 512 byte block floppies.

Ray Watts rayanddoraleew at earthlink.net
Wed Jan 21 15:06:54 EST 2004

John E. Malmberg wrote:

>In article <buibu1$lb1$1 at sea.gmane.org>,
>"Amardeep S Chana" <vxlzneo02 at sneakemail.com> writes:
>>That said, there is one function that was removed from Windows XP: a 720K
>>double density diskette cannot be formatted.  Existing disks are recognized
>>for read/write.  But they removed the option to format them both from the
>>GUI and the command line.
>The GUI appears to have lost the abililty, and most of the information is not
>in the HELP for the command line version.  But it still appears to work.
>FORMAT A: /T:80/N:9
>C:\images>format a: /t:80/n:9
>Insert new disk for drive A:
>and press ENTER when ready...
>The type of the file system is RAW.
>The new file system is FAT.
>Verifying 720K
>Initializing the File Allocation Table (FAT)...
>Volume label (11 characters, ENTER for none)? 720k
>Format complete.
>      730,112 bytes total disk space.
>      730,112 bytes available on disk.
>        1,024 bytes in each allocation unit.
>          713 allocation units available on disk.
>           12 bits in each FAT entry.
>Volume Serial Number is DE13-94EE
>Format another (Y/N)? n
>wb8tyw at qsl.net
>Personal Opinion Only
That sounds like good news.  If it works for XP, it should(?) also work 
for 2000 Pro.  I've already read 720k disks in the command line window. 
 Incidentally, my Imation Superdisk mounts as B:, not A:.  Guess it is 
because it is installed as an external USB device.  Will have to try a 
format as soon as I'm offline.


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