[Coco] What other Manuals, etc. need to be converted?

Stephen H. Fischer SFischer1 at MindSpring.com
Sat Feb 21 17:43:38 EST 2004


See the end for a doable solution.

I have long been willing to do most / all of the work, but I just do not see
the level of use that balances the amount of work needed.

The CD and replace _all_ is the *best* way to go. I have a brand new fresh
250 Gig hard drive reformatted 3 times in the last 2 days and most / all of
RTSI files (Except OSK) already. And most / all?? of the other file sets
that were available from time to time. I have a database program up to the
task and many additional relevant files. Moving the files around is not too
hard and I have a CD burner. A list of the new order is all that I need.

I also have the start of my prime beef with RTSI, the one liners and one
page descriptions for Many of the Delphi files _and_ the CompuServe files
that are needed to do an acceptable job of reorganizing RTSI are missing.
Here is a sample of the one liners.

AR 1.4 FOR MSDOS                  PROG  AUG-95  JMURPHY
OS-9 LATE NIGHT: 94/10/17         TEXT  OCT-94  HERMANR
OS-9 LATE NIGHT: 94/09/26         TRAN  SEP-94  CPERRAULT
OS-9 LATE NIGHT: 94/09/19         TRAN  SEP-94  CPERRAULT
OS-9 LIVE! 94/09/17               DATA  SEP-94  BOISY
OS-9 LATE NIGHT: 94/09/12         TRAN  SEP-94  CPERRAULT
OS-9 LATE NIGHT: 94/08/29         TRAN  SEP-94  CPERRAULT
One of the descriptions:
Date: 23-MAY-1991 19:29 by DONTHRASH

Needed to run:
Bruce Isted's VRN driver and Nil descriptor.
At least 512K of memory.
this program uses 222K of ram for arrays

Printer codes are for Epson FX, LX or IBM grapics printer
Also works on Panasonic

Needed to compile:
the source code archive
Mike Sweet's CGFX library
My Memory Mapping library. Library available on Delphi.

This is the same program as uploaded earlier this year. I have the printer
section working now. Read the docs for more information. This program still
works on a graphics screen.


1 DEMO3D PROGRAM (Size: 32242 Count: 45)
2 DEMO3D DOCS (Size: 3044 Count: 56)
3 DEMO3D C SOURCE (Size: 46797 Count: 24)


Less than .0(0...)1% of the files get the bulk of the downloading.

If a web master would build a page where as files are requested the one
liners and descriptions would be added and a click able link to the file on
RTSI is provided.
The first web page would have the classifications, which would not match
RTSI ones.
The next page you would see if you clicked on one of the classifications
would be the one liners.
Clicking on a one liner would send you to the description or to the file on

File names to be added would be sent to me and I would send the web master
the information on the files.

Unless I would be proved wrong, the initial rush would settle down very
quickly and only have occasional additions.
If I did not have the description then someone could generate one and send
it to the web master and me.
Or correct or update the description and perhaps suggest better programs to
This would allow us to gage the interest and adjust the level of our work to
what is being used.

Stephen H. Fischer <sfischer1 at mindspring.com>

Dean Leiber wrote:
>> I never have been happy with RTSI's lack of _just about any_
>> organization. I keep saying that no more use will occur if the
>> organization was improved.
> Yes, it should be sorted out. The only way I realistically see that
> happening is if someone organizes all the files (after they've downloaded
> them), burn them to CD and send it to the folks at rtsi to just do a
> wholesale replace of whats already there. The OS-9 stuff isn't as bad as
> the RSDOS stuff, which is harder to figure out what some of the files are.
> Any volunteers? It would be convenient to have before the next CoCofest,
> but its alot of work. And a whole lot of stuff isn't even up there (i.e.
> Ar 1.4, Ar 1.5, LZH) and that's what I can name off the top of my head.
> At the moment I'm busy with the manuals, so I can't really even start on
> the files.

If we concentrate on just moving the files, "LHAing" up and uncompressing as
needed then it is not too much work and would be best done by one person.
The big part is deciding where each file needs to be.

>> If there had been any indicated use of the manuals, I was going to do
>> more. Loud Silence.
> Well, I'm guessing the current interest might be because more people are
> playing with the emulators and its conveneient to have a set of manuals
> just a click away. Well, I appreciate you doing the last lot tho. Just
> think, I saved you from having to do the rest ;-). Any chance you could
> do the MOTDs from the original OS9UG? I sent all the bellingham/UG stuff
> on CD to Dennis the other day, so they should probably be up in the next
> week or so.
> Dean

Thank you for the thanks. SHF :)

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