[Coco] Re: It's been awfully quite?

David Hazelton davehazelton at access-4-free.com
Sat Feb 7 23:19:03 EST 2004

James C. Hrubik, Sr. wrote:
> Howdy, Richard.  Jim Cox and I traded a few messages this morning 
> already -- he may be using AOL and their Instant Messaging, but I'm 
> using iChat on the Mac.  It simply requires registering at AOL and 
> inventing a chat name; no need to involve that Microsoft_with_Panes 
> system.  FWIW, I don't let any chatty type stuff near my Intel boxes, 
> and even Outlook is going unused.  I doubt that a messaging app could be 
> built for a CoCo, but there ought to be a Linux version out there 
> somewhere if you don't have anything like that for the Amiga.
> On Saturday, February 7, 2004, at 11:53  AM, Richard E. Crislip wrote:
>> Hello jimcox at miba51.com
>> I'd be in favor of ICQ. I really don't want to get involved with AOL 
>> because
>> that would force me to become further wedded to Windows than I am now. I
>> TRYING to get divorced from it not further tied to it 8-)
> ============================================================
> | Dry your tears, ye hearts nigh broken,                   |
> | Of Zion it shall yet be spoken:                          |
> | "Her citizens in number grow!"                           |
> | Men shall see with fear and wonder                       |
> | How G_D builds Zion, they shall ponder                   |
> | The grace and strength He doth bestow.                   |
> | Lift up your souls and hearts, the nations' day departs. |
> | Then His day comes,                                      |
> | Zion shall rise, and Judah's eyes                        |
> | The One it pierced will recognize!                       |
> ========================= ZH 194:5 =========================
> ...................AIM : appraisebee........................
I haven't used it, but I believe "GAIM" on linux is gnome AIM.

Again I haven't used it.  I just have it installed.  My linux boxes are 
used as Servers, So I don't connect on line, except updates.

~David Hazelton

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