[Coco] Re: JVC header

John Collyer johncollyer at zoominternet.net
Wed Feb 4 11:58:40 EST 2004


Thanks for the encouragement.

Look at how easy it was to change the
part of the program that calculates the
"JVC" header information.

John Collyer

        invoke CreateFile,\
        cmp eax,-1                      ;If there was an error
        je ff40w_3                      ;
        mov buffer_valid,0              ;Else clear flag indicating read,
                                        ;write buffer position is valid
        mov handle,eax                  ;Get the file's handle
        mov this_spt,18                 ;Reset SPT count
        mov this_header,0               ;Reset number of header bytes
        invoke SetFilePointer,eax,0,NULL,FILE_END
        cmp eax,-1                      ;If there was an error
        je ff40w_3                      ;
        cmp al,0                        ;Virtual disk non-integral multiple
of 256?
        jz ff40w_3                      ;No header information
        mov this_header,al              ;Header information is there
        mov eax,handle                  ;
        invoke SetFilePointer,eax,0,NULL,FILE_BEGIN
        push ecx                        ;
        mov ecx,handle                  ;
        mov edx,offset dta              ;Offset to buffer
        xor eax,eax                     ;The number bytes to read
        mov al,this_header              ;is header size
        invoke ReadFile,ecx,edx,eax,ADDR SizeReadWrite,NULL
        pop ecx                         ;
        test eax,-1                     ;If there was an error
        jz ff40w_3                      ;
        mov al,byte ptr [edx]           ;Get one byte of JVC header
        mov this_spt,al                 ;Save sectors per track
ff40w_3:                                ;Head is on track zero now
        pop ebx                         ;Restore registers
        pop edx                         ;Return
        pop eax                         ;
        ret                             ;

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Torsten Dittel" <Torsten at Dittel.info>
To: <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 3:36 PM
Subject: [Coco] Re: JVC header

> > However, if or when there is new virtual hardware
> > devices to link into the virtual FFxxH memory area
> > the new virtual hardware could support double side
> > disks images in anyway that it wants to.
> Wow, great effort John. This is exactly how I imagined the things to be
> without thinking too much and loosing too much words about it...
> Keep on hackin'
> Torsten
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