[Coco] 6309 Microprocessor Enhancements for - TRS-80 Colour Computer 3 Emulator

John Collyer johncollyer at zoominternet.net
Sat Feb 21 22:48:37 EST 2004


I was going along real good with the win32 version
of the emulator and I ran into a slow down. It seems
I need to learn more about directx and graphics
programming. I rusty in that department. It's really
frustrating when you can't test your work yet. I just
got hardware.asm to assemble into a object file.
That makes the 6309.asm and HARDWARE.asm
assembling so far. The hardware.asm still needs
work though. I have to convert the routine that sets
the low and high video addresses FIX_VIDEO,
the ($FF9FW) FFxxH routine that supports the
Horizontal Offset Register, the FFxxH routine
(VIDEO_SINGLE:), the FFxxH routine
(UPDATE_BOTTOM:), and the

Till next time.

John Collyer

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